This is the English Deafblind ManualAlphabet. It is used by deafblind people to communicate to each other andto the person they are trying to have discussion with. This is usedin many Commonwealth countries. The image itself is a square and has differentpictures showing on it every couple of seconds and gives a quicker introductionto the manual. It looks like it is moving. Each hand spelling outthe letter, A too Z of the alphabet. With each image showing thelocation of each letter. represented on the deafblind persons left hand.this image is useful again for sighted people. But there are pageson this sight with a text version of the Deafblind Manual Alphabetfor us to read. So happy reading and if sighted person is readingthis it won't take long for you to learn the manual alphabet. Its quitesimple once you get used to it. so why not try....

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