U.S.A. Organizations For Deafblind People.

A State-Wide, Inter-Agency Resource and Support Program for Children and Youth with Deaf-Blindness.
Advocates for Communication Technology for Deafblind People, Inc.
Alabama Institute for Deaf & Blind (AIDB)

Alabama's most famous citizen, Helen Keller, overcame a dual challenge of deafness and blindness through the strength of her spirit and the skills of her devoted teacher, Annie Sullivan. At Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind, we have long recognized the very special requirements of children who are both deaf and blind.

In 1955, we became one of only four programs for deaf-blind students in the country. Students from all over the Southeast come to the program, renamed the Helen Keller School in 1980. Now, we serve children who are multidisabled, with a single sensory impairment and cognitive limitations, in addition to children who are deaf-blind. Our program is recognized nationally, and serves as a training center for teachers of deaf-blind students across the country.

We are located in Helen Keller's home state, and offer one of the most comprehensive education and service networks for deaf, blind and deaf/blind people in the world.

This center covers Chambers, Lee, Macon, Russell and Tallapoosa Counties.
This center covers Blount, Chilton, Walker, Jefferson and Shelby Counties.
  • Alabama Institute for Deaf and Blind
  • Dothan Regional Center
  • 105 Executive Park Drive
  • Dothan, Alabama 36303
  • 334-677-6270 (voice/TDD)
  • E-mail: RHOLM@AIDB.state.AL.us.
    This center covers Houston, Barbour, Henry, Dale, Coffee, Geneva and Covington Counties.
    This center covers Houston, Barbour, Henry, Dale, Coffee, Geneva and Covington Counties.
    This center covers Clarke, Washington, Monroe, Conechuh, Escambia, Baldwin and Mobile Counties.
    This center covers Autauga, Elmore, Dallas, Lowndes, Montgomery, Bullock, Pike, Crenshaw, Butler and Wilcox Counties.
    This center covers Colbert, Cullman, Franklin, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Marion, Morgan and Winston Counties.
    This center covers Lamar, Fayette, Pickens, Bibb, Tuscaloosa, Greene, Sumter, Marengo, Hale, Perry and Choctaw Counties.

    Alaska Center for Blind & Deaf Adults
    Alaska Dual Sensory Impairment Services.
    American Association of the Deaf-Blind (AADB) The American Association of the Deaf-Blind has a mission to assure that a comprehensive, coordinated system of services is accessible to all deaf-blind persons enabling them to achieve their maximum potential through increased independence, productivity and integration into the community. AADB provides basic services to its members such as print-to-braille or braille-to-print transcription of personal papers, shopping services, loan of braille books, and other necessities.

    AADB publishes a quarterly magazine, The Deaf-Blind American, that provides information on new communication technology, education, ideas on mobility, and human interest stories. The association has a lending library of braille materials, and the AADB Resource Directory for which there is a charge. They provide information and referrals to other providers and resources.

    Arizona Deafblind Project.
      The purpose of the project is that all children who are deaf-blind be identified statewide, and families be empowered to advocate for their children in their home and natural communities. The project has four operant goals: (a) Identify children who are deaf-blind through outreach, project visibility, coordinating identification efforts with other state child find efforts, and assisting families and service providers with validation of sensory loss; (b) deliver technical assistance to families; (c) Deliver technical assistance to service providers in the areas of parent education, transition, transdisciplinary assessments, teacher competencies and current best practices being the focus; and (d) Enhance community oversight and coordinate and collaborate with state and national organizations.
    Arizona Rehabiliation Services Administration.
      This program provides vocational rehabilitation services to persons who are deaf-blind in AZ. The Coordinator of Deaf-Blind Services provided consultation, training and technical assistance to a number of state and private agencies serving persons who are deaf-blind. The Arizona Advisory Council on Deaf-Blindness, established in 1978, continues to advise state agencies and organizations on present topics and actions related to persons with deaf-blindness.
    Arizona State Schools For The Deaf And The Blind.
      The Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and the Blind provides a variety of programs to children and youth from birth through 21 years of age throughout Arizona. These services include the School for the Deaf; the School for the Blind; the Phoenix Day School for the Deaf; the Regional Services Program; the Cooperative Services Program; and the Arizona Diagnostic Testing and Education Center (ADTEC). ADIEC offers appropriate sensory, communication and psychoeducational testing to children and youth between the ages of 5 to 21 years. Classroom placement may be made available to children and youth who can not receive appropriate programming with in their home school district. ADTEC program provides the required additional supports which muitidisabled severely sensory impaired children require. The Cooperative Services Program provides teachers of the sensory impaired and special materials to member school districts. Cooperative services have been developed in three regions of the state. The Regional Services Program provides outreach services to families of children from the ages of birth to 5 years, and preschool services to children between the ages of two to five years.
    California Deaf-Blind Service, Northern Office.
    California Deaf-Blind Service, Southern Office.
    California School for the Blind, Our Mission is to provide comprehensive educational services to students of California who are visually impaired, deaf/blind, and visually impaired/multi-handicapped from infancy through age 21. These services will be provided in order to empower students to lead vocationally, personally, and socially satisfying productive lives leading to their highest level of independence.

    Students are referred to the California School for the Blind (CSB) by their Local Educational Agencies (school districts) and parents jointly. Upon receipt of the referral, a request is made for all records pertaining to the student, including the most current Individualized Educational Plan (IEP). A screening committee will review their records and determine if the school's program meets the students identified educational needs.

    To be considered for admission the student's primary handicap must be visual impairment. Students are enrolled when it is determined that an appropriate educational program cannot be provided by the local school district or county educational agency and CSB is identified as the most appropriate placement by the CSB IEP team.

    Center on Self-Determination at Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland.
      The Center on Self-Determination does many different things on disability issues. They have two current projects and one that will start in the fall that are specifically concerned with deaf-blind children.

    They are:

    Home:  Bringing It All Back Home:  Family-driven assessment and intervention for Children Who Are Deaf-Blind.  Parents of children who are deaf-blind will participate in this project to develop assessment, intervention and transition materials designed by and for family members to evaulate their children, establish intervention priorities and advocate for successful transitions for their children with dual sensory impairments.

    Independence:  Creating Classroom Environments that Nurture Independence for Children with Deaf-blindness.  A model demonstration project to design strategies that provide opportunities for children with deaf-blindness to act independently on their social and physical environment.

    Learning to learn:  This project focuses on developing fundamental social skills (social interaction and presymbolic and symbolic communication) and object related problem solving skills (manipulating objects and negotiating obstacles and barriers that arise at home, in class and in the community) while ensuring continuity through the transitions that occur moving through the school system.

    Central Pennsylvania Association of Deaf-Blind,
    CHARGE Syndrome Foundation, Inc. The 1999 Conference will be in Houston, Texas in late July.

    CHARGE Association/CHARGE Syndrome

    Related Terms:

    CHARGE Association refers to children with a specific set of birth defects. "CHARGE" originally came from the first letter of some of the most common features seen in these children: C = coloboma, H = heart defects, A = atresia of the choanae, R = retardation of growth and development, G = genital and urinary abnormalities, E = ear abnormalities and/or hearing loss. The diagnosis of CHARGE is based on finding several of these and possibly other features in a child. The diagnosis should be made by a medical geneticist who has ruled out other disorders with overlapping findings.

    Children Linking Families.
    Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind, The Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind is the only school in the state that is directly administered by CDE. Located in Colorado Springs, this educational facility does ground-breaking work with these special populations of Colorado students.
    Colorado Services for Children with Deaf-Blindness.

    The Colorado Services to Children with Deafblindness is a project funded through a grant from the United States Department of Education.  The major objective of the project is to assist programs, professionals, and parents in providing appropriate learning and living opportunities for individuals with deafblindness between the ages of birth to 21. The mission of the grant project is to provide technical assistance, inservice training, assistance in identification, program consultation, workshops, lending library access, and newsletters to families, educators, and others involved with individuals with deafblindness. These services are provided at no cost to families and service providers of children who are deafblind (having both vision and hearing impairment).

    State Consultants:  Specialists in many aspects of vision and hearing impairments may be called upon to visit the home, school, classroom, and community to provide technical assistance (consultation, inservice training, program design and review) about effective teaching strategies and materials.

    Newsletter:  The project’s newsletter VIBRATIONS is published and disseminated three times a year. The newsletter is free to all interested persons.

    Columbus Colony Elderly Care, Columbus Colony Elderly Care is a 150 bed nursing facility offering both skilled and intermediate care. The primary mission of Columbus Colony Elderly Care is to provide comprehensive, long-term or short-term rehabilitation services, principally to deaf, deaf-blind, and hard of hearing people. The secondary mission is to improve communication between the deaf and hearing communities. For Admissions Information Contact the Admissions Department
    Community Outreach Program for the Deaf (COPD).
      COPD, under the umbrella of Catholic Community Services, began as a small volunteer agency in 1973. The purpose of this HKNC affiliate is to support the empowerment of people who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Deaf-Blind with the capability for self-determination in their daily lives.
    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) information.
    Deafblind Consumer Group.
      The Deafblind Consumer Group meets once a month at the offices of Community Outreach Program for the Deaf.
    Deaf-Blind Contact Center, Inc.
      DBCC's mission is to empower individuals who are Deaf-Blind to lead independent, productive lives and participate in society, DBCC provides outreach and services to the Deaf-Blind community, their friends and family members and the general public. DBCC's philosophy is that with accessible communication, social opportunities, and transportation services, the barriers of isolation may be lessened.
    Deafblind Development Center the Children of Silence Committee Deafblindness is a dark lonely place many children helplessly inhabit. These dual disability children are often forced in mental institutions or facilities incapable of effectively dealing with these problems. Without special training these children and their families may face a life of isolation. The Deafblind Development Center in Southern Florida offers hope for these children whose families have nowhere else to turn in giving their children a chance to communicate, to interact, to feel a part of life instead of separated from it by a dark and lonely wall of silence. This home-center offers round the clock supervision with intervenors who provide highly specialized, one-on-one attention necessary for serving the needs of children who can communicate only through the sense of touch. The Children of Silence Committee is a group of Southeastern Florida business professionals involved in raising money to sustain a home-center for deafblind children.
    Deaf-Blind Development Center of the Palm Beaches, Inc. The Deaf-Blind Development Center of the Palm Beaches, Inc. is an agency which will provide a wide array of psycho-social and educational services to children and their families. The Center will coordinate and advocate the highest quality services from existing community resources.

    Organized in 1989, this agency was initially a chapter of the Florida Association for the Deaf/Blind and Multi-handicapped, Inc. which was chartered in 1984. A group of local parents and professionals felt that, with the closing of a central Florida residential program that had been serving the needs of four local dual-sensory impaired children, a replacement program was needed in south Florida to provide the highly specialized one-on-one attention that is necessary for serving the needs of children who can communicate only through the sense of touch.

    Deaf-Blind Division of the National Federation of the Blind.
    Deaf-Blind Multihandicapped Association of Texas (DBMAT) DBMAT links parents from across the state through there Parent Connection Project. SIB STREET - The Sibling Connection gives brothers and sisters of individuals who are sensory impaired with other disabilities the opportunity to chat with each other about their feelings and concerns to increase their understanding of themselves and of their family member. DBMAT also has three ongoing focus groups which are designed by the age of the family member who is deafblind. These focus groups are Education (0-12 years of age), Transition (13-22 years of age), and Adult Services (23 and older).

    The DBMAT goals for the year 1999 are:

    Deaf-Blind Perspectives Deaf-Blind Perspectives is a free journal-like publication, sponsored by Teaching Research, that focuses on all pertinent issues important to people who are deaf-blind, and the people who serve them. Deaf-Blind Perspectives is dedicated to facilitating improved service delivery, limiting cross-purpose advocacy, and encouraging the sharing of ideas among all deaf-blind groups through accurate and contemporary information. Deaf-Blind Perspectives spans the entire age range from birth to senior citizen and includes discussions about those who are deaf-blind and cognitively able and those who are deaf-blind and cognitively disabled. Articles encompass early intervention, transition, communication techniques, syndrome characteristics, parental concerns, community living options, socialization, etc. Controversy and discussion are welcome and at times, articles may represent opposing views on topics. The publication is a forum for ideas and discussion.

    Deaf-Blind Perspectives is published three times each year by the Teaching Research Division and is available in standard print, large print, braille, and ASCII formats. DB-LINK and NTAC are regular contributors to the newsletter.

    Deaf-Blind Service Center Washington.
    Deaf-Blind Service Center Bulletin.
    DeafBlind Services Minnesota, Inc.

    DeafBlind Services Minnesota (DBSM) was formerly known as Functional Independence Training, Inc. (FIND). It is a private, non-profit agency, serving individuals with deafblindness. Its mission is to develop, design, support and operate programs to foster the independence of persons with concomitant hearing/vision impairments, thus insuring each individual the opportunity to reach the highest potential of independent living. DBSM provides services to adults and children through three different programs.

    Children, Youth and Family Services program serves DeafBlind children ages birth to 22. Intervenors in this program provide services to children and youth to assist them in making progress towards their learning goals. The goals are established by the child/youth's parent, the child/youth and a staff person from our agency. Intervenors meet to work with the children and youth on these goals on a weekly basis. Friends, teachers and others are welcome to apply. CYFS program screens, trains, tests, supervises, evaluates and pays Intervenors. Intervenors become agency staff and are required to submit monthly reports and complete several hours of training per month.

    Adult Residential Services provides necessary Independent Living Skills training to DeafBlind adults, adjusting to their DeafBlindness. The new training facility has 5 single bedrooms and 5 studio type apartments. When a DeafBlind client enters the program, they will begin with their first level of training and will live on-site in a single bedroom. In the first stages of their training, students will receive one to one instruction. The eleven areas of instruction included Problem Solving, Orientation and Mobility, Apartment Care, Money Management and Food/Nutrition, etc. They will join other students and instructors in a variety of activities, including cooking in a "community" kitchen and eating together as a group. As they progress and graduate to the next levels of Independence Training, they will move into a studio apartment, which contains a private restroom and kitchenette. Here, they will begin doing more activities independently (i.e. grocery shopping, attending appointments, etc.).

    Adult Community Services program serves DeafBlind adults age 18 and over who wish to maintain their independent lifestyle. Services include support service provider (SSP) services. SSPs go to the client's home and assist with everyday activities such as mail reading and grocery shopping. The program also provides individualized instruction including Braille and tactile sign language. Adult Community Services also hosts the Hands Together Project which strives to integrate the Deaf and DeafBlind communities.

    DB-LINK National Information Clearinghouse on Children who are Deaf-Blind DB-LINK is a federally funded information clearinghouse that identifies, coordinates, and disseminates information related to children (0-21) who are deaf-blind. DB-LINK provides free individualized information and referral services across many topics including effective early intervention, special education and general education practices, medical, health, social, recreational services, legal issues, employment and independent living, postsecondary educational services, and information on the nature of deaf-blindness. In addition, fact sheets are developed on selected topics. These too are available at no cost. Parents, professionals, employers, and other members of the public are encouraged to contact DB-LINK.
    Delivery of services to Children with Deaf-Blindness in West Virginia.
    Division of Vocational Rehabilitation DVR Deaf-Blind Project, was developed by DVR in 1993 to create access to employment opportunities for persons living in Wisconsin who are deaf-blind. Project staff work with consumers and families to determine their employment and living needs and to create or assist in accessing services to address those needs. The Project provides outreach services, consultation,
    assistance, information, and training to education professionals, public and private providers, families, and persons who are deaf-blind throughout the state.
    Expanding The Circle of Service and Supports for Children with Deaf-Blindness. Go Back To Top of Page,

    Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind,
    Georgia Deaf-Blind Project.
    Great Lakes Area Regional Center for Deaf-Blind Education.
    Great Lakes Area Regional Center for Deaf-Blind Education - Wisconsin (Glarcdbe - Wisconsin 307.11 State Grantees)
    Great Lakes Area Regional Center for Deaf-Blind Education - Wisconsin (Glarcdbe - Wisconsin 307.11 State Grantees)
    Guide Dogs for the Deaf-blind.
    Hawaii Project for Students Who are Deaf-Blind.
    Hawaii State Coordinating Council on Deafness (HSCCD), Hawaii State Coordinating Council on Deafness (HSCCD) advocates to improve communication, coordination of and access to services for persons who are deaf, hard-of-hearing and deaf-blind.

    The Council is mandated to establish uniform guidelines for the utilization of communication access services, such as Sign Language interpreters and real-time captioners, for consumers who are deaf, hard-of-hearing and deaf-blind and who participate in state programs and activities. These current administrative rules, entitled "Utilization of Sign Language/English and Oral Interpreter Services", indicates who may receive these services and the qualifications and recommended fee schedule for payment of interpreters. The administrative rules will be amended to include other communication access providers and to respond to the needs of the community. Contact the Council for a copy of the current rules or a fact sheet on the Rules.

    The Council is composed of five (5) Governor-appointed members, three (3) of whom must be deaf, hard-of-hearing, deaf-blind or family members knowledgeable about communication access. The two (2) additional members may be certified or locally screened interpreters.

    Helen Keller National Center Southwestern Regional Office (HKNC Southwestern Regional Office).
      HKNC regional reps provide consultation and technical assistance to persons with deaf-blindness and their families, and to public and private education and adult service agencies in their region. They locate, assist and refer individuals to the most appropriate programs for services, if needed. States Covered by this regional office: AZ, CA, HI, NV, Guam, Samoa, and the Trust Territories.
    Helen Keller National Center Technical Assistance Center (HKNC-TAC) The Helen Keller National Center - Technical Assistance Center is a national training and technical assistance project which assists the transition of youth who are deaf-blind as they leave the education system and move to adult life in the community. Belief in the value and the importance of providing an array of options and choices to youth who are deaf-blind underlies
    all of HKNC-TAC's services.

    One way this project works to assist the transition is by providing technical assistance to states in developing state and local level interagency teams composed of school personnel, adult service personnel, private sector representatives, families, and consumers. The goal of these teams is to develop, implement, and maintain state-wide collaborative transition efforts for youth who are deaf-blind. The HKNC-TAC project also provides technical assistance to states in developing local transition services and model sites in the areas of education, employment, and community living for transition-aged young adults who are deaf-blind. Parents and other family members also receive technical assistance to increase their effectiveness in supporting the
    transition of their young adult family member who is deaf-blind, as he or she goes from school to adult life. Education and adult service agencies, parents, and family members may apply for services from HKNC-TAC.

    HKNC-TAC staff manage transition services to a caseload of states. The services they provide include on-site consultation and training, workshops, and presentations at conferences sponsored by other organizations. Many topics are addressed: including interagency collaboration, person centered planning, community living, employment, parent and family issues, behavior,
    individualized transition planning, curriculum and program development, communication, orientation and mobility, friendships and socialization.

    HKNC-TAC publishes a project newsletter (HKNC-TAC News), as well as a number of monographs on transition issues.

    Helen Keller National Centerfor Youths and Adults Who Are Deaf-Blind (HKNC) HKNC is a national program, with headquarters in New York, which provides diagnostic evaluation, short-term comprehensive rehabilitation and personal adjustment training, work experience, and placement to youths and adults who are deaf-blind. HKNC's role is to ensure that these youths and adults receive the skills, training, and support necessary to live and work in the community of their choice. In addition, HKNC operates or supports other programs that serve this population.

    HKNC operates an extensive nationwide network of field services through ten regional offices and many affiliated programs. The regional offices provide consultation and technical assistance to persons who are deaf-blind, their families and to agencies within the regions. HKNC also offers training to service providers both at the headquarters and through site-specific training at agencies around the nation through the National Training Team (NTT).

    he National Family Association for Deaf-Blind (NFADB) is supported by HKNC to advance services to families. NFADB provides information and support to parents and family members. A newsletter is published three times per year.

    The Technical Assistance Center (TAC) is a project run by HKNC that provides training and technical assistance in comprehensive transition services to education and adult service agencies, parents and family members, and state and local interagency teams. TAC publishes a topical newsletter.

    HKNC also has a program of services for older adults who are deaf-blind, that can be reached by calling (214) 490-9677 (voice and TTY). Consultations, services, and referrals may be requested from the national center or regional offices.

    Regional Offices

    Hilton/Perkins Program - Perkins School for the Blind In the United States, the Hilton/Perkins Program provides a number of support systems to the parents of children who are multi-handicapped blind or deafblind, including funding to support the National Association of Parents of the Visually Impaired (NAPVI) and the National Family Association for the Deafblind (NFADB). The program is designed to strengthen the network of parental advocacy that exists on national and state levels.

    The Hilton/Perkins Program supports training activities for programs and staff serving children who are deafblind. Hilton/Perkins staff have expertise in service provision to infants, school-aged children, and young adults who are transitioning out of school programs. Training activities for staff and programs are typically planned to coordinate with the services offered by each state's deafblind center, thereby avoiding duplication. Literature and curricula on deafblindness are developed and disseminated by program staff. Information regarding services and needs of the population is available.

    The Hilton/Perkins Program also supports international schools and agencies serving children who are deafblind or multi-handicapped blind, especially in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean and Eastern Europe. Provision of training, materials, supplies and literature by the Hilton/Perkins Program assists with the development of local resources, schools and programs. The Hilton/Perkins Program also provides information on services that are available internationally.

    Hot-Line to Deaf-Blind.
      Publication includes summary of current news written especially for deaf-blind persons. It is taken directly from wire services and straight news sources and is the only Braille news publication which does not include editorials. Available free upon request.
    Idaho Project for Children and Youth with Deaf-Blindness.
    Illinois State Project, Services for Children with Deaf-Blindness.
    Illinois State Project, Services for Children with Deaf-Blindness Program.
    Indiana Deafblind Services Project The Indiana Deafblind Services Project is a statewide service authorized under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). It is administered by the Blumberg Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Special Education at Indiana State University. The Project's goal is to improve the quality of educational services available to Indiana's infants, toddlers, children, and youth with deafblindness.
    Interpreter Referral Services.

    Interpreter services for the deaf, deaf-blind, hard of hearing and hearing people of Washington state may be obtained through the following agencies:

    Iowa Deaf-Blind Grant.
    Kentucky Deaf-Blind Project.
    Lake Ray Hubbard Shared Services Arrangement.
      If you suspect an infant, child, or young adult of having a developmental delay or disability, you school district can open a window of hope for a brighter future. Services, at no cost to the family, are available to all eligible individuals from birth to 21 years of age regardless of the severity of their disability.

    Special services available to eligible infants, children and young adults identified with a disability who may be experiencing difficulties in one or more of the following areas:

    Physical Disability, Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Visual Impairment, Deaf-Blind, Mental Retardation, Emotional Disturbance, Learning Disability, Speech and/or Language, Autism, Health Impairment, & Traumatic Brain Injury.

    The LRHSSA serves Crandall ISD, Forney ISD, Kemp ISD, Royse City ISD, and Scurry-Rosser ISD. This arrangement has been in existence since 1972.

    Forney ISD, as a member of the Lake Ray Hubbard Shared Services Arrangement, provides special education services to students with disabilities. The goal of the district is to ensure that all eligible infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age children between birth and 21 residing within the Forney ISD school district boundaries are identified, located, and evaluated. Please contact your local campus or the Lake Ray Hubbard Office if you have any questions. Our staff is ready to help your child.

    Manual for Parents of Deaf-Blind Children.
    The Maryland School for the Blind.
      The Maryland School for the Blind is a private, nonprofit school serving children from infancy to age 21 who are blind, visually impaired, and multiply-disabled. MSB serves students in every county of MD, providing individualized programs and specialized services including Braille instruction, orientation and mobility (travel skills) training, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech, music, recreation, assistive technology, living skills needs and job training.">

    It is the VISION of The Maryland School for the Blind to be:

    The premier statewide resource for the specific educational and living skill needs of all individuals (particularly ages 0-21) with visual impairment in Maryland.

    There Mission
    The Maryland School for the Blind is a statewide educational resource for individuals (particularly ages 0-21) who are blind or visually impaired, including those with multiple disabilities. With the School's technological, material, and staff resources, we: Children need to laugh and play. They need to feel good about themselves. They need to feel part of the world around them, to enjoy a beautiful day, to know that they are part of something larger than themselves. Children need time to be children. This is a simple truth that is so obvious that it is often overlooked; however, it is an important part of the daily routine here at The Maryland School for the Blind.

    Since we first opened our doors in 1853, we have treated the whole child, not just the disability. We provide instructional, residential, orientation and mobility, recreational activities, health services, physical, speech and occupational therapies and Braille instruction. We teach all of the basics, including math, reading and science, in addition to the specialized services tailored to meet the needs of our students. We also understand the role of caring and compassion as it relates to our students. We make them feel special and important. We encourage them to try new things, to make new friends, to expand their horizons.

    Students who are "just" blind attend school in their local school districts where they learn in a classroom with their peers and remain close to their families and friends. Many of these students receive specialized support services from The Maryland School for the Blind. They may need a brailled textbook, a low vision magnifier, a specialized computer adapter or other support that helps them to succeed in their local school and we are there to provide that support.

    The majority of the students on our Baltimore campus are blind or visually impaired and multiply disabled. There is a very special challenge in providing services for these children and meeting their special needs, but it is a challenge we meet each and every day. Our dedicated staff of professionals use their expertise, experience and caring each day to help our students be the best that they can be and achieve their full potential. It is not uncommon for visitors to comment on the "normal" behavior of our "disabled" students. People are surprised to learn that our students compete in swim meets, bowling, wrestling and track. Our students participate in Drama Club, Boy Scouts, Arts & Crafts, Skiing, and a host of other activities. They are independent, confident, happy children. We never forget that our students have many specialized and unique needs. Most importantly, we never forget they are also children, youth and young adults.

    MSB - Read all about us!

    You can learn more about MSB from the following publications:

    1998 Annual Report...A retrospective of 1998, including the MSB class of '98 and highlights of the year.

    "The Window"...A newsletter published three times per year for friends of MSB. It contains articles on student activities, special events and a message from MSB President Louis Tutt.

    "MSB News"...A monthly newsletter packed full of the latest campus news, including student activities, special events, new volunteers and staff recognition.

    To receive FREE copies of any of these publications, contact:

    Millard Conklin Center for Multihandicapped Blind
      The Center for Deaf-blind Persons Meets the needs of youths and adults with combined hearing-vision impairments by providing  SELF-HELP SUPPORT GROUP: Members help each other acknowledge their disabilities, cope with decreases in hearing and vision and deal with public reactions and daily problems. (Communication is facilitated by sign language interpreters and assistive listening devices.) SOCIAL GROUP: Monthly club under the direction of members assisted by interpreters/guides. Activities at the center and in the community. REHABILITATION TRAINING: In the areas of independent living; communication methods (braille, touch sign language, print-on-palm, braille/large print computer access); travel/mobility (sighted guide/white cane techniques); job readiness (comprehensive pre-vocational and vocational services including job development and placement); and leisure time skills. Instruction takes place at the center, on the job, at individual, group and nursing/retirement homes, and in community settings. Support and basic instruction for family members and friends also available. COMMUNITY SUPPORT: Assistance with tasks of daily living (shopping, banking, housing search, etc.). COMMUNITY EDUCATION: In-service training, presentations, consultation, tours and a newsletter. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE: Yes.
    Montana School for the Deaf and the Blind,

    The National Clearinghouse on Postsecondary Education for Individuals with Disabilities The HEATH Resource Center, a program of the American Council on Education, is a clearinghouse which operates under a congressional legislative mandate to collect and disseminate information about disability issues in postsecondary education. Funding from the United States Department of Education enables HEATH to increase the flow of information about the educational support services, policies, and procedures related to educating or training people with disabilities after they have left high school.

    The HEATH Resource Center is designed to

    To accomplish these goals, HEATH has an extensive publication program, a toll-free telephone service, and a professional staff which participate in a strong network of colleagues across the country.

    National Coalition on Deaf-Blindness, The National Coalition on Deaf-Blindness evolved as a result of the growing federal trend away from offering specialized services for persons who are deaf-blind. There appeared to be a serious risk that services for individuals with this low-incidence disability would fall under the umbrella of generic services for individuals with severe handicaps.

    Activities of the Coalition have been primarily concerned with advocacy on the federal level. This has included informational letters concerning the needs of individuals who are deaf-blind, individual testimony to Congressional committees dealing with the issues on the handicapped, and direct contact with members of Congress. Two important activities of the Coalition will be to advocate on federal legislative issues, especially the re-authorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and to organize a national conference.

    National Family Association for Deaf-Blind.

    The National Family Association for Deaf-Blind (NFADB) is a non-profit organization established to advocate for all persons who are deaf-blind of any chronological age and cognitive ability. NFADB is founded on the belief that these individuals are valued members of society and are entitled to the same opportunities and choices as other members of the community.

    NFADB also have a mailing list.

      The National Family Association for Deaf-Blind (NFADB) is a national organization that advocates for all persons who are deaf-blind, supports national policy to benefit people who are deaf-blind, encourages the founding and strengthening of family organizations in each state and collaborates with professionals who work with persons who are deaf-blind. NFADB Regional Representatives can be contacted to share information and provide resources and referrals. The states in NFADB Region 9 include: AZ CA GUAM SAMOA Trust Terr HI NV.

    National Technical Assistance Consortium for Children and Young Adults Who Are Deaf-Blind.

    The National Technical Assistance Consortium for Children and Young Adults Who Are Deaf-Blind. The primary mission of NTAC is to assist states in improving the quality of services forindividuals (birth to age 28) who are deaf-blind and to increase the numbers of children, young adults, their families, and their service providers who will benefit from these services. NTAC will also work with agencies and families within states through the provision of technical assistance to facilitate long-range planning and development of collaborative partnerships among families, service providers, and agencies at the local, state, and regional levels use effective practices and current research findings to enhance training opportunities for families and service providers to increase awareness, knowledge, and skills in meeting the unique needs of children and young adults who are deaf-blind, assist parents and family members in advocating for and participating in effective service delivery systems for the family member who is deaf-blind.

    Regional Offices

    New Jersey Association of the Deaf-Blind, Inc.

    New Mexico Commission f/t Blind

    News From Advocates for Deafblind Newsletter (NFADB). Formerly titled National Family Association for Deaf-Blind Newsletter, this newsletter is intended to be the primary means of communicating with the membership of NFADB. In addition to regular columns that cover such topics as legal issues and family concerns, committee reports are printed and a variety of other articles are included in each issue.

    North Dakota's Deafblind Services Project.
      The North Dakota Deaf-Blind Services Project is a statewide service authorized under Section 622 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The project was designed to assist with the provision of educational services to infants, toddlers, children and youth with deafblindness. The primary goal of the project is to build local capacity through training, mentorship, resource dissemination and on-site, student specific technical assistance. Assistance is provided to public and private agencies. Support to families and teachers of individuals with deafblindness is a priority.

    Activities of the North Dakota Deaf -Blind Services Project.

    Accessing the Services of the Project

    Project Access.

    Psychoeducational Assessment of Students Who are Deaf-Blind,  A Decision-Making Model For School-Based Practitioners.

    Publications for teachers of deaf-blind.

    Puerto Rico Deaf-Blind Parents Association

    Puerto Rico State Projects for Children who are Deaf-Blind.

    Rhode Island Services to Children with Dual Sensory Impairments,
    Rose Resnick LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
    The Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind.
      They have had a Deafblind program for over 30 years and employ about 40 Deafblind people. We also hold a Deafblind Retreat in August for the past 21 years which reaches Deafblind people from around the world.

    Seattle Public Library - Deaf, Deaf-Blind, and Hard of Hearing Services, Services for Deaf, Deaf-Blind, and Hard of Hearing Users Services and programs to assist and interest deaf, deaf-blind, and hard of hearing users, their friends, families, and co-workers.

    South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind, The South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind is a specialized instructional and resource center. It provides services statewide for deaf, blind and sensory multidisabled individuals (children and adults), their families and the professionals who work with them. SCSDB offers programs for preschool, elementary, high school, sensory multidisabled, vocational and postsecondary educational students as well as a wide variety of outreach and support services. The main campus is in Spartanburg, and regional centers are located throughout the State.

    Teaching Research Assistance to Children and Youth Experiencing Sensory Impairments (TRACES).

    Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired,
    Outreach Services from Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired,

    Overview of Outreach Services

    TSBVI Outreach serves as a resource for families of children with visual impairments including deafblindness, and the local service providers who serve them. Technical assistance provided by TSBVI Outreach is designed to meet the unique needs of sensory impaired children, birth through 21 years of age. Outreach services are available statewide, and are provided in coordination with related agencies and service providers.

    Services Include:

    Texas State Commission for the Blind

    Together We Can.

    Together We Can, The Virginia Project for the Integration of Children with Deaf-Blindness.

    U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, Severe Disabilities Branch, Services for Children with Deaf-Blindness Program (IDEA, Part C; Section 622; CFDA 84.025) The purpose of the Services for Children with Deaf-Blindness Program is to support projects that assist states in assuring the provision of early intervention to children and youth who are deaf-blind; to provide technical assistance to agencies that are preparing adolescents who are deaf-blind for adult placement; and to support research, development, replication, pre-service
    and in-service training, parental involvement activities, and other activities to improve services to children who are deaf-blind. Grants awarded under this program are usually made on a competitive basis in the first year, and renewed on a noncompetitive basis for the remaining grant period.

    U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education, Severe Disabilities Branch

    The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) is the principal agency in the U.S. Department of Education for administering and carrying out the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (formerly the Education of the Handicapped Act), and other programs and activities concerning the education and training of children with disabilities. OSEP supports state educational agencies and local school districts in implementing the nation's special education mandates through a system of financial support, monitoring oversight, policy support, and technical assistance. OSEP Divisions include The major publication is the Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.

    Usher Syndrome and Deaf-Blind Services.

    Usher Syndrome and Deaf-Blind Services, Ilene Miner, Joseph Cioffi, have years of experience in direct service and consultation on issues related to Usher Syndrome. Both are fluent in American Sign Language. This site has excellent information and great resources within its pages, it is certainly well worth visiting as Ilene and Joseph certainly know what they are talking about and that is very obvious on their pages.

    Vermont Project for Children and Youth with Deafblindness The Vermont State Project for Children and Youth with Deafblindness focuses on the needs of children with deafblindness or who are at risk for deafblindness and their families. The Project offers on-site technical assistance, training, and family support, through the I-Team, to children who are included on the State Deafblind Census.

    Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind, Among the special programs that VSDB provides are early instructional services for deaf children from birth to 2 years; weekly homegoing for residential students; extracurricular and special activities including summer school, leadership programs, driver education, scouting, and sports contact with deaf and blind role models and peers, experiences in preparation for work and independent living; and mainstream educational opportunities. For further information, contact
    Washington State Services for Children with Deaf-Blindness.
    Wyoming Deaf-Blind Project.
    A-Z to Deafblindness http://www.deafblind.com